About Me

"The best way to predict your future is to create it."  - Abraham Lincoln

We are creating the future students will learn that success comes to those who work for it. Students will get and give lots of hugs and gentle touches as we connect with our family members in ELA. I am newly married this is my first year as Mrs. Hunter although my husband is my high school sweetheart. We will be celebrating on 1st anniversary March 19, 2016.

During the first 3 weeks of school students and myself will share our life from a bag we can show picture collages, our favorite family game/ activity or toy. Remember this is more than show and tell! Your child is a super star whose sharing their life biography on the red carpet. Let's make it fun and creativity. I promise to record or take pictures to share on Celebrity new live on Class Dojo. 

Ready, Set Go!
180 days on the Red Carpet