Celebrity News

I remember what I learned not what I was taught! laugh

"Let's get started from August- June our students are superstars at Enterprise Learning Academy. Welcome to Kindergarten students will have buckets and buckets of fun learning how to be active readers who speak and write and complete sentences. Students will thrive reading comprehension, math, hands on science and technology. 

Parents are encourage to access the daily awards were students hard work is published and accomplished recognized with stickers and photos in  Class Dojo. Parents can use the website www.classdojo.com to register by adding parent code upon request. Parents can also download the app to their phone from the play store Class Dojo. 

Classdojo will serve as a SharePoint for minute to minute behavior tracking, participation, mastery of daily lesson or standard demonstrated with photo of sparkling work. No need to call, email or guess have a question instant messaging for teacher or a class discussion is at your fingertips with ClassDojo. 

Students are will exit Kindergarten ready to read on grade level the 1st day of 1st grade with active participation and homework completion. Homework will require parent assistance until students get into a set routine for daily sight word and math fluency practice. 

Have Fun!
The Team at Educator Pages